ホーム > 経済学史研究 64巻1号

経済学史研究 64巻1号

経済学史研究 64巻1号
著者 経済学史学会
ジャンル 学会誌 > 『経済学史研究』(経済学史学会編)
出版年月日 2022/07/20
ISBN 9784862859556
判型・ページ数 B5・104ページ
定価 本体3,000円+税
在庫 在庫あり


● 論文
English Translation Series: Japanese Historians of Economic Thought <14>
Takumi Tsuda, Antagonism between Free Trade and Protectionism: The Eden Treaty in Eighteenth-Century France(Translated by Yusuke Ando and Shin Kubo)

● 第6回経済学史学会賞受賞作講評

● 第19回経済学史学会研究奨励賞(論文賞)受賞作講評
Yoshifumi Ozawa, “John Stuart Mill on Self-interest: Focusing on His Political Economy and the Principles,” A Genealogy of Self-Interest in Economics, edited by S. Egashira, M. Taishido, D. W. Hands, and U. Mäki, Singapore: Springer, 85–105, 2021
Shogo Nishibayashi, “Kneese’s Water Quality Management Research (1960s), within the History of Environmental Economics,” Journal of the History of Economic Thought 41(3): 411–31, 2019

● 研究動向
Methodology and Philosophy of Economics: A Tale of Two Biases(Luis Mireles-Flores and Michiru Nagatsu)

● Notes and Communications
Guiding Light in the Deep Lake of the History of Ideas Obituary: Takumi Tsuda (1929–2021)(Kayoko Misaki)
経済学者としてのグレンヴィル卿の研究プロジェクトについて(竹永 進)

● 書評
Seiichiro Ito, English Economic Thought in the Seventeenth Century: Rejecting the Dutch Model, Routledge, 2021(Carl Wennerlind)
Mats Lundahl, The Dynamics of Poverty: Circular, Cumulative Causation, Value Judgments, Institutions and Social Engineering in the World of Gunnar Myrdal, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021(藤田菜々子)
Karl Mittermaier, Hand behind the Invisible Hand: Dogmatic and Pragmatic Views on Free Markets and the State of Economic Theory, Bristol University Press, 2020(野原慎司)
Ivan Moscati, Measuring Utility: From the Marginal Revolution to Behavioral Economics, Oxford University Press, 2019(Tomoyuki Uemiya)
Niklas Olsen, The Sovereign Consumer: A New Intellectual History of Neoliberalism, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019(廣瀬弘毅)
Ryuji Sasaki, A New Introduction to Karl Marx: New Materialism, Critique of Political Economy, and the Concept of Metabolism, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021(Akihito Imai)
Ajit Sinha, ed., A Reflection on Sraffa’s Revolution in Economic Theory, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021(松本有一)
木村雄一『カルドア 技術革新と分配の経済学── 一般均衡から経験科学へ』名古屋大学出版会,2020年(池田 毅)
定森 亮『共和主義者モンテスキュー──古代ローマをめぐるマキァヴェッリとの交錯』慶應義塾大学出版会,2021年(上村 剛)
吉川 洋『マクロ経済学の再構築──ケインズとシュンペーター』岩波書店,2020年(山﨑好裕)
